日本印度学仏教学会 | 論文
- The mandalas of Touen-Huang
- On the Third Insertion in the Manuscript "Shobo-Genzo-Bussho" by Ejyo
- Zhiyi and Zhanran's View of the Real Buddha
- Jinaputra. Acarya Jinaputra
- On the Concept of Being in Navyanyaya
- Studies in the Samkalpasuryodaya
- Tendo, Sukuse, and Butsujin in the Eiga Monogatari
- Some Questions Concerning the Wharang-Saegi
- Myoe's Interpretation of the Awakening of Faith
- A Reconsideration of Vijnapti
- Dogen's View of Buddha-nature
- A Comparative Psychological Study of Zen and Nembutsu
- The Buddhism of Shotoku Taishi
- Concerning the Kinzanji Text of The Platform Sutra
- On the Rtrogression of the Arhat (II)
- On akara in the light of citta-caitta-samprayukta Theory
- Thoughts on the Translation of Buddhist Texts into English
- A Study on the Second Clause of Rrince Shotoku's "Seventeen Clauses Constitution"
- Zenju's Interpretation of avijñapti
- Ta-hui-tsung-kao and his Disciples (continued)