日本バイオインフォマティクス学会 | 論文
- Automatic construction of a dictionary of sequence motifs that characterize groups of similar proteins
- Statistical and Integrative Approach for Constructing Biological Network Maps
- G-Language Genome Analysis Environment Version 2
- Development of System Identification Technique Based on Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm
- Robotic Path Planning and Protein Complex Modeling Considering Low Frequency Intra-Molecular Loop and Domain Motions
- A Machine Learning Approach to Reducing the Work of Experts in Article Selection from Database:A Case Study for Regulatory Relations of S. cerevisiae Genes in MEDLINE
- Graphical Approach to Weak Motif Recognition
- Protein Explorer: A Petaflops Special-Purpose Computer for Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Reconstruction of Phylogenetic Relationships from Metabolic Pathways Based on the Enzyme Hierarchy and the Gene Ontology
- Sequence Analysis of Zinc Finger DNA-Binding Protein
- Standardized Phylogenetic Tree
- ETools: Tools to Handle Biological Sequences and Alignments for Evolutionary Studies
- Analysis of Binary Relations and Hierarchies of Enzymes in the Metabolic Pathways
- Construction of a Functional Word Dictionary for Primate Promoter Sequences
- Prediction of Promoter Expression Specificity by Conserved Sequence Patterns
- Systematic Prediction of Orthologous Units of Genes in the Complete Genomes
- Detection of Co-regulated Genes by Comparative Analysis of Microbial Genomes
- Global Integration of Gene Databases by Eigen-ID Method
- Gene Expression Analysis Using Fuzzy K-Means Clustering
- Model Construction of the Energy Metabolism Pathway in Myocardial Cell