新潟医療福祉大学 | 論文
- 社会福祉教育の日米比較 : 日米の共通点と相違点
- 患者・障害者・家族などの立場から(保健・医療・福祉の連携〜地域リハビリテーションにおけるチームアプローチ)
- Association between the components of self-care and health locus of control among hemodialysis patients
- Establishment of Niigata University of Health and Welfare
- Message from the President Start of the First Issue of the Niigata Journal of Health and Welfare
- Interprofessional education needs to correspond with the necessity of interprofessional work in health-care and welfare in Japan
- The Practice of Interprofessional Education and its Prospect at Niigata University of Health and Welfare
- The influence of general self-efficacy of mothers and their interaction with their babies during breastfeeding
- Effect of the level of general self-efficacy of primipara prior to delivery to one month after delivery towards her psychological characteristic
- 日・米の社会福祉専門職生涯教育に関する比較研究(2. 学科紹介)
- ソーシャルワーカーを描いたフィクション作品に関する一考察 : 医療ソーシャルワーカーを描いたテレビドラマの事例検討
- 杉本貴代栄・須藤八千代 編, 『私はソーシャルワーカー-福祉の現場で働く女性21人の仕事と生活-』, 学陽書房, 228頁, 2004年, 2, 300円
- 社会福祉専門職の養成と生涯学習 : ソーシャルワーカーのリカレント教育を中心に
- 血液透析患者のQOLの構成要素
- Some observations about the U.S. health care system at the beginning of the 21^ century
- Introduction to the Department of Occupational Therapy at Niigata University of Health and Welfare
- A Comparative Research on Social Work Education : Japan and USA
- Comparative study of social welfare education in U. S. A. and in Japan. : Focusing on common and different points
- New Roles of Registered Dietitians in the Twenty-first Century
- Stability in seniors as measured by a computer analyzed forceplate