敬和学園大学人文学部 | 論文
- Q文書(ギリシア語テキスト決定版)の日本語訳(2)
- Consideration on American Individualism II : Individualism Transformed and its Subsequent Impasse
- 會津きい子生誕百年に寄せて : 観音堂時代の秋艸道人ときい子
- Learner Autonomy In Japanese University English Classrooms
- 'English Only' Language Instruction to Japanese University Students in Low-Level Speaking & Listening Classes : An Action Research Project
- Consideration on American Individualism(2)Individualism Transformed and its Subsequent Impasse
- Q文書(ギリシア語テキスト決定版)の日本語訳(2)
- The Social Construction of Evil : Comparative Content Analysis between the U.S. and Japanese Media during the Iraq War
- A Political Paradox: Asian American Participations and Representations
- Tocqueville's Democracy and Samurai: Inazo Nitobe's Attempt to Apply AmericanDemocracy to the Feudal Tradition of Japan
- Justice and the Stability of Property in Hume
- Examining the Learning Styles and Learning Strategies used by Japanese Learners of English
- 謝辞[含 教育研究業績略歴] (延原時行教授・北嶋藤郷教授・Allan Blonde教授退任記念号)
- The Study of Language in the Brain: Implications for Language Acquisition
- Intricacies of pair work: surveys and research
- 環境問題と企業経営の対応
- オゾン層保護を巡る中国企業の対応
- 中国と日本との産業分類の比較
- The Effects of Televised Candidate Advertisements in U.S. Elections
- Comparative Content Analysis between the US and Japanese Media during the Run-up Period of the Iraq War