愛知学院大学国際研究センタ- | 論文
- The Deconstruction of the Patriarchal State in the 21st Century--The Empowerment of Women through Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action and Sexual Harassment Laws: A Comparison of Australia and Japan
- Does Aid Work? Japanese Foreign Aid, Development Expenditures and Taxation in Malaysia: Some Results from a Bounded Rationality Model of Fiscal Behavior
- ジャーナリズム/ジャーナリストと倫理
- Process of political reform in Japan: design of new electoral system
- 死の選択:医師の立場から
- The Eagle and the Dove: United States and Canadian Remedies in Trade with Japan
- ボードレールとポオ--その天邪鬼性
- Future of Asia:Ethics and the Professional
- 北米における日本文学研究の方法論
- The transitional dimension of Laos in the development and human security progress compared to other developing countries: from empirical analysis
- ヘルス・プロモーションに関するオタワ憲章と日本の歯・口腔の健康
- 歯科学教育、臨床の日米比較
- Globalization and Canadian Trade Policy: Relations with the USA and Japan
- フィリピン・イースト大学歯学部(本学〔愛知学院大学〕姉妹校)との交流活動について