微量栄養素研究会事務局 | 論文
- Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on Zinc deficiency rats
- セレン投与がエタノール摂取ラットの血漿と精巣の抗酸化酵素系におよぼす影響
- Distribution of Accumulated Arsenic in the Seaweed Hijiki, Hizikia fusiforme 0kam.(1)
- Diminution of the Arsenic Level in Hijiki, Sargassum fusiforme(Harvey) Setchell, through Pre-cooking Treatment
- A Polyphenol compound, Rutin suppresses Ultraviolet and Methylviologen-induced Oxidative Cellular Damage on Achlorophyllous Unicellular Eukaryote, Euglena gracilis SMZ
- 新規機能性食品の臨床試験による保健機能評価について
- 特定保健用食品の開発と安全性の取り組み
- Tumor necrosis factor-α expression and intestinal ALP activity in the duodenum of zinc-deficient rats
- The Influence of Foods Containing Zinc on the Wound healing Condition in Pressure Ulcer Cases
- Urinary excretion of 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid increases and biotin decreases during pregnancy in mice
- Study on teratogenicity of biotin deficiency in mice at midgestation
- 亜鉛〔2〕-マルトール関連錯体のインスリン様作用
- 亜鉛(II)-アリキシン錯体のインスリン様作用
- Effect of resupplying zinc in zinc-deficient rats
- α-マンノース結合レクチン・カラムの多糖・糖タンパク研究への利用--醗酵酒類中のマンナンの微量分析
- Arsenic Metabolites Excreted into the Human Urine after Hijiki Intake
- Distribution of Accumulated Arsenic in the Seaweed Hijiki, Sargassum fusiforme (Harvey) Setchell(5)
- Distribution of accumulated arsenic in the plant body of Akamoku, Sargassum horneri
- Release of minerals from dried Hijiki, Sargassum fusiforme (Harvey) Setchell, during water-soaking
- Determination of selenium in domestic or imported buckwheat and barley using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry