岩手医科大学教養部 | 論文
- フラッシュX線装置の研究-7-
- Studies on Flash X-ray Discharge Tube System-8-Digital Imaging
- The Application of the Flash X-ray Discharge Tube System to Medical Radiography-9-Delayed Radiography
- Measurement Method for the Pulsed Radiation Output Using a PIN Diode
- The Application of the Flash X-ray Discharge Tube System to Medical Radiography-10-Three Dimensional Image Analysis
- The Application of the Flash X-ray Discharge Tube System to Medical Radiography-11-High-Durability X-ray Tube
- Determination of the Flash X-ray Spectra Using Attenuation Data-5-
- Grid Control Device for Producing Pulsed X-rays Using a Triode
- The Application of the Flash X-ray Discharge Tube System to Medical Radiography-12-Multiple-Exposure Image
- Generation of Microsecond X-Rays Using a Hot Cathode Diode in Conjunction with a Two-Stage Marx Pulser
- Soft Pulsed X-Ray Detection Using a Pin Diode
- 「あみだくじ」論考-1-
- 歯科矯正学科デ-タ解析システム(ORDAS)の構築法について
- 聴力検査デ-タ処理システムの開発
- The Method of Patient Data Retrieval and Multivariate Analysis in ORDAS(Orthodontics Data Analysis System)
- Audiometric Data Retrieval and Analysis System(ARSAS)-1-
- Some Safe Reduction Operations on Partial 4-Trees
- Some Safe Reduction Operations on Partial 4-trees-2-
- 高血圧性脳内出血患者情報処理システム(HEMIS)の開発-1-
- 高血圧性脳内出血患者情報処理システム(HEMIS)の開発-2-