岡山大学環境理工学部 | 論文
- Effects of basic slag, aggregate size and groundwater treatments on the production of chilli in acid sulfate soils in a simulation study
- 地域メッシュデータ分析システムの開発
- 川口市犯罪データの空間分析
- 岡山市における地価公示価格の推定とその表示システムについて
- Distribution of Mineral Ions in Root and Leaf Tissues and Their Role in Salt Tolerance of Wheat Varieties under Saline Conditions
- Effect of increasing salinity on growth and mineral composition of wheat varieties and role of sodium exclusion capacity in salt tolerance mechanisms
- The separate or the combined effect of hypoxia and salinity on growth and ionic relations of four wheat varieties
- メキシコの半乾燥地における異なる有機物の施用効果
- Tm(3+)含有結晶化ガラスのアップコンバージョン特性と光散乱
- 分割表データにおけるApriori Alogrihtmを利用した変数選択手法
- Mathematical Model for The Transmission of Lymphatic Filariasis and Its Applications
- 傾斜草地における表層土壌水分と土壌物理性の空間分布調査
- 岡山大学津高牧場における降雨変動特性
- Simulations on Prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in Hokkaido on the Basis of Vole Population Dynamics
- 生分解性高分子による遅効性肥料の調製
- A Note on the Assessment of Local Influence in Statistical Models with Equality Constraints
- Neutralizing capacity of basic slag in acid sulfate soils and its impacts on the solubility of basic cations under various moisture regimes
- Effects of Brick Burning on Microbial Biomass and C/N Ratio in Selected Soil Profiles in the Eastern Region of Bangladesh
- Influence of Coarse Aggregate on the Shrinkage of Normal and High-Strength Concretes
- Detection of hotspot for Korea earthquake data using echelon analysis and seismic wave energy