密教研究会 | 論文
- The social nature of conduct and the social change
- Report of the Investigation into Visitors to Koyasan
- The Reflection of the Culture of the Greater T'ang Dynasty in Kukai's Literature
- The Initial "Phar phyin" Section in the Dag yig mkhas pahi hbyun gnas of Lcan skya rol pahi rdo rje (1717-1786)
- Mode of Installing the Phallic Image of Siva as seen in the Puranic Texts
- タイトル無し
- Modern Meaning of Esoteric Buddhism
- Hermeneutics of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism:about the problem on the "Profound Esoterical Interpretation"
- 'There+V+S' Pattern; X, Y, and Z Style (I):Ernest Hemingway 'In Another Country'
- Ashikaga-Takauji's Uprise and its Background
- On the "Hachimangudoki":Chiefly on the Text preserved in the Kongo-Sammai-In
- History Studies in Koyasan
- A Textual Study of the Reiki-ki
- On the Origin of the faith that prince Shotoku is a metamorphosic body of Avalokiteçvara Bodhisattva
- Mito-Mitsukuni and Mangen-Shiban
- 浄厳の三昧耶戒式の構成
- 近世真言宗の庶民教化--来世信仰
- 近世仏教の庶民教化--仏教説話
- 浄厳の密教思想--"Jogon′s Thought on the Esoteric Buddhism"
- 昭遍和尚--その生涯と思想