密教研究会 | 論文
- The virabhojya ritual and Vajrayana bhiksus
- A gatha on equality of the three kinds of social existence; in ganacakra, anti-cast-oriented tantric feast
- A Mysterious World of I. B. Singer
- The Tragedy of a Woman in George Eliot's Felix Holt, the Radical
- A Study of 'Time' and its 'Symbolic Meanings' in George Eliot's The Lifted Veil
- The Five Secret Bodhisattva (Go-himitsu) in the Mayajala-tantra
- The Mural of the Durgatiparisodhana-mandalas at Sha-lu
- Via Media in Danrin-haikai (_??__??__??__??_):New interpretation of Teika's idea
- An Exposition of the "Danrin Toppyaku-in", a Japanese Haikai Poetry
- The Two-volume Edition of the Rengebushin nenju giki (_??__??__??__??__??__??__??__??__) Preserved in To-ji Kanchi-in Temple, Part II
- アスラからビルシャナ仏へ
- 胎蔵曼荼羅最外院の構成--とくに史的背景について (曼荼羅研究特輯-2-)
- Esoteric Homilies written in "Kana" Letters (II)
- Symposium of the Sixtieth anniversart of the Association of Esoteric Buddhisy Studies:The Culture of Spirituality: Academic Circumstances of the Life-Concept
- Tlanslative Studies of the Moksadharma
- House Reformation for the Physically Disabled Aged:the Instance of a Ward Social Welfare Council in Kyoto
- The Funeral Rituals on Penang Island of Malaysia: a Report
- Aldous Huxley, The Development of His Thought
- Adhisthana in the Eighth Stage of the Dasabhumika-sutra
- Anubhava and adhisthana in the nidanaparivarta of the Dasabhumikasutra