密教研究会 | 論文
- The Relationship between the Buddha and all people in Shoku's Jihitsusho
- Problem of Medical Treatment in the Agricultural Villages (II):health administration of Sawauchi village
- 十三仏成立への展開
- A Study of the Attitudes towards Buddhism by Modern Intellectuals:the Philosophy of Welfare in Esoteric Buddhism-II
- The Significance of the Hojurin (_??__??__??_) as a Source on A Letter Meditation
- A study of Rigo-style (_??__??_) of chinesepoetry of Kukai and Baso
- 密教福祉思想の構成原理--密教福祉思想の研究(4)
- Buddhism of Tokoku Kitamura
- 女性と「ノ-マライゼ-ション」について--家族をめぐる若干の考察
- A Report on the Koyasanshingonsu Temple's Social Wark
- 不空三蔵の五台山文殊信仰の宣布について
- On the Arehitectures at Koyasan in the Kamakura Period
- 国民健康保険制度論ノ-ト--その成立と展開過程を中心として-上-
- 女性と社会保障--公的年金をめぐって
- The "True Word" of Kukai and Modern Literature in English
- Security of Human Rights for the Homeless in Kamagasaki
- 「文鏡秘府論」と「文心雕竜」との相関小考--声律・体性・詩の句型を中心として
- 宗教哲学としてのカント
- The Motives and Significance of the Prajñapradipa according to the Prajñapradipatika
- A Study of the Samadhirajasutra (3):the Japanese Translation of the Sanskrit Text and Mañjusrikirti's Commentary (Kirtimala) in Tibetan Version, Chapter IV