大阪大学極限科学研究センタ- | 論文
- Solvent Dependent Ultrafast Ground State Recovery Dynamics of Triphenylmethane Dyes
- Coherent Protein Dynamics in Ultrafast Charge-Transfer Reaction in Plastocyanin
- Two-Dimensional Analysis of Integrated Three-Pulse Photon Echo Signals of Nile Blue Doped in PMMA
- Two Dimensional Analysis of Integrated Three Pulse Photon Echo
- Ultrafast Excited State Deactivation of Triphenylmethane Dyes
- C14型TbMn2の高圧合成と磁性
- 高圧下におけるK2CuF4およびRb2CuF4の構造相転移と磁性の変化
- 擬2次元ハイゼンベルグ磁性体(C2H5NH3)2CuCl4の高圧下での磁性の変化
- 超高圧下精密磁化測定装置の開発
- 超高圧下精密磁化測定装置の最近の進展
- 水素結合型強誘電体KH2P04とKD2P04の圧力効果
- Control of Single-Electron Device Using Environmental Impedance Modulation
- Ion Beam Induced Epitaxial Crystallization of Silicon Implanted with Heavy Ions
- Ion Beam Induced Epitaxial Crystallization of Silicon Implanted with Heavy Ions
- 分数量子ホール効果におけるエッジチャネル
- 平行強磁場下の2次元電子系におけるバリスティック電気伝導
- Ti-Ni-Cu形状記憶合金のマルテンサイト変態に及ぼす静水圧効果
- Characterization of Si-doped layer in GaAs fabricated by a focused ion beam/molecular beam epitaxy combined system
- Phase Transitions in PbZrO3 under High Pressure Studies by Raman Scattering
- Raman scattering study of PbZrO3 under high pressure