土質工学会 | 論文
- Finite Element Slope Stability Analysis by Shear Strength Reduction Technique(松井保,辛嘉靖著,本誌Vol.32,No.1,1992年3月掲載)
- Deformation Properties of Sand in Model Pressuremeter and Torsionmeter Tests(Vol.25,No.3,September 1985--Previous discussion by K.Kagawa,Vol.26,No.3)
- Effect of Aging of Marine Clay and Its Duplication by High Temperature Consolidation(土田孝,小林正樹,水上純一著,本誌Vol.31,No.4,1991年12月掲載)
- Mechanism of Permanent Displacement of Ground Caused by Seismic Liquefaction(佐々木康他著,本誌Vol.32,No.3,1992年9月掲載)
- Laboratory Studies on Hydraulic Fracturing Criteria in Soil(Ali Komak Panah他著本誌29巻4号,1989年6月掲載)
- Fracturing Pressure of Soil Ground by Viscous Materials(森麟,田村昌仁,福井義弘著,本誌,Vol.30,No.3,1990年9月掲載)
- Normalized Undrained Strength of Clay in the Normally Consolidated State and in the Field(半沢秀郎,田中洋行著,本誌Vol.32,No.1,1992年3月掲載)
- Quasi-Preconsolidation Effects Developed in Normally Consolidated Clays(村上幸利著,本誌,Vol.32,No.4,1992年12月掲載)
- Shear Strength of Uni-sized Gravels under Triaxial Compression
- A New Look at Fluctuating Geotechnical Data for Reliability Design(本城勇介,黒田勝彦著,本誌,Vol.31,No.1,1991年3月掲載)
- Load-Settlement Analysis for Bored Piles Using Hyperbolic Transfer Function(平山英喜著本誌30巻1号,1990年3月掲載)
- Prediction of the Partially Drained Behavior of Soft Clays under Embankment Loading(浅岡顕,中野正樹,松尾稔著,本誌Vol.32,No.1,1992年3月掲載)
- 粘土の透水係数の評価法に関する考察
- Finite Strain Consolidation--A Study of Convection(T.-S.Tan他著本誌28巻3号1988年9月掲載)
- Oscillatory Pore Pressure and Liquefaction in Seabed Induced by Ocean Waves(善功企,山崎浩之著,本誌,Vol.30,No.4,1990年12月掲載)
- 統計解析処理による地山しらすの判別分類
- Generalized Slice Method for Slope Stability Analysis(榎明潔,八木則男,矢田部竜一著,本誌,Vol.30,No.2,1990年6月掲載)
- 拡散2重層理論による超軟弱粘土の圧縮性および透水性の評価(金亨柱,吉国洋,鶴ケ崎和博著,本誌Vol.31,No.2,1991年9月掲載)
- Principles for Constitutive Equations and Expressions of Anisotropy in Soil Materials(By Chikayoshi Yatomi and Akira Nishihara,Vol.24,No.3,September 1984)
- A Constitutive Equation of One-Dimensional Consolidation Derived from Inter-Connected Tests(今井五郎,Y.-X.Tang著,本誌Vol.32,No.2,1992年6月掲載)