国際基督教大学キリスト教と文化研究所 | 論文
- Exploring Contemporary Poems-1-
- A Brief History of Post-Lockean Unilateralism : Barbeyrac, Carmichael, and Hutcheson on Property
- A Polemic on Academic Disciplines
- The Shinto Festival(Matsuri)and the Birth of Japanese Performing and Competitive Arts (神話)
- Religion and American politics: a historical overview
- Socrates′ Logoi and Beyond in the Phaedo--with Special Reference to the Casus Dativus in 100e-101b
- Professor J.Edward Kidder,Jr.--A Retrospective Appreciation〔含 業績目録〕
- 友情記念帳と音楽学:音楽研究資料としての友情記念帳の価値
- The Politico-Cultural Dynamics of Rendering the Biblical God in Asia
- Symbols and Religious Language (神話)
- Forming the Japanese modern craft movement: perspectives from the Leach archives
- Empedocle : Vie et apres-vie
- Jonathan Edwards and the Tenth Federalist
- Idle and extravagant stories in verse: 400 years of narrative poetry from Sir Gawain to Wordsworth (特集 「人間に固有なもの」とは何か(3))
- ホラ-ティウスの招待詩,頌詩1-20,3-29に見られるイメ-ジの一考察
- Women and Music in Trecento Italy as Seen in the Contemporary Literature and Paintings:A Preliminary Study
- 現象学と有論的差異
- カントとフッサールの超越論哲学
- 死と実存--ハイデッガ-とヤスパ-スにおける死の問題
- ニヒリズムについての覚書