国立民族学博物館 | 論文
- SES no.073; Preface
- タイにおけるユーミエン(Iu Mien)の文化復興運動概況
- 北タイの工場社会における権力と相互行為 : 日系文具メーカーの事例から
- 北タイ農村における「仕事」概念の一考察 : 相互行為と社会関係
- Coping with Enemies: Graded Age System among the Pari of Southeastern Sudan
- SER no.028; Preface
- SER no.028; Introduction
- Manus Fish Names
- Nominals of Fatamanue, Seram Maluku: A Subgrouping Argument in Central Malayo-Polynesian
- Decipherment and Studies of Early Palauan Word-Lists Collection since the Eighteenth Century
- 開発途上国における地域開発問題としての文化観光開発 : 文化遺産と観光開発をめぐる議論の流れと近年の動向
- Social Change and Continuity in a Village in Northern Anhui, China: A Response to Revolution and Reform
- Art and Christian Conversion in the Jesuit Missions on the Spanish South American Frontier
- Care for the Elderly: Family Duty or Paid Service?
- 古代からビルマ戦争まで
- クキ・チン諸族概説 クキ (Kuki), チン (Chin), キャング (Khang, Khyeng)
- Music and Minorities: The Future through the Past
- Commodification and Social Relations among the Semai of Malaysia
- Ethnology and Linguistics : Historical and Contemporary Relations between Mlabri and Hmong in Northern Thailand