名古屋大学農学部付属演習林 | 論文
- 経済林における木材生産の科学的予測の可能性〔英文〕
- モデル実験系における酸性物質のスギ苗根系に与える影響
- The Impact of Deforetation in the Brazilian Amazonia - Change on Ecosystem and Social Environment -
- 1・3 Brittle-heart (1. Anatomy of Sulawesi Woods)
- 6.1 Hardness of Sulawesi Woods (6. Other Properties)
- ポイント法によるヒノキ苗個体群の葉の配列と光透過の解析〔英文〕
- Community Forestry in Nepal : The Efforts of Aid Projects and Their Involvement with NGOs
- 4・3 Drying Schedule Tests (4.Drying Characteristies of Sulawesi Woods)
- 4.2 Drying Rate Test (4.Drying Characteristies of Sulawesi Woods)
- Foliage area distribution within a first-order branch in Cryptomeria japonica
- Dimension Relations of Branches in Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.)Endl.)
- An apparatus for determining the CO_2 gas-exchange of a forest tree in the field
- 4.1 Drying Test in the Oven at 100℃ (4.Drying Characteristies of Sulawesi Woods)
- 6・2 スラウェシー産材のひき板接着適性 (6.その他の性質)
- A study on soil properties of hillside work area and topographic factors
- Seasonal occurrence and spatial distribution of fruitbodies of ectomycorrhizal fungi on the border of a man-made and a naturally regenerated forest
- A note on the discoloration and fungal infiltration processes on wood tissues surrounding the gallery system of scolytid beetles
- Gross photosynthetic production of individual trees in a Chamaecyparis obtusa plantation
- Allometric Relations in Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Sieb. et Zucc.) Endl.) Trees