千葉大学文理学部 | 論文
- 明代における税粮の科徴と戸則との関係
- 智利硝石大単結晶の新製作法
- Convex sequences and their means
- 液浸粉体光弾性実験法
- 全反射型境界透視ファインダー
- 倍率型焦点面判別器及び倍率型距離計
- 回折格子焦点板
- On the existence of"sequence of P-points"in the unit disk
- On the Fusulinids at Kamiyatsuse district in Kesennuma city,Miyagi prefecture,north-east Japan
- Chromosome numbers of some Japanese ferns,3.
- マンパワーの経済政策序説
- Ecology of grasslands in Japan.
- The dragonflies taken by the Chiba University Rolwaling Himal Expedition,1963
- On a problem ot Lohwater and Piranian.
- The geology of the Yamizo,Torinoko and Toriashi mountain blocks and their geologic age.
- Distribution-theoretical treatment of the classical dipole field
- Proturans collected by the Chiba University Scientific Expedition to the Nepal Himalaya,1963
- Merbromin as a histochemical dye.
- Non-glare headlight with a sodium nitrate polarizer as a filter
- Cytotaxonomical studies on some leptosporangiate ferns.