千葉大学教養部 | 論文
- ランボ-の「後期韻文詩」におけるoraliteの機能
- Simple groups in which the centers of Sylow 2-subgroups are independent
- The simple group of order 2520
- On Simple Groups of Order 2a3b5cp
- On groups with a self-centralizing Sylow p-subgroup
- A characterization of the simple groups U4(3)and L4(3)
- Some properties of the coefficients of the power series of exp(Z arctanh X)in quadratic field.
- A Quality of n-Simplex in n-Dimensional Euclidean Space
- A Note on Bipartite Structures:Parataxis and Coordination in English
- His Final Step to Hamilton′s Discovery of the Characteristic Function
- 太宰文学におけるドストエ-フスキイ的主題
- Theory of relaxation expansion
- Shakespeare′s Wordplay in The Merchant of Venice
- Shakespeare′s Wordplay in Love′s Labour′s Lost
- On the Determinant of a Special Matrix
- On the Nijenhuis Tensor of Almost Complex Structures of Tangent Bundles
- Bericht uber den Einsatz eines Sprachfilms im Deutschunterricht an Kyoyobu der Universitat Chiba
- 長期休暇による正課体育実技の中断が学生の体力の変化に及ぼす影響について
- Man and wildlife relationships on Amami Oshima
- Meromorphic Solutions of the Difference Equation y(x+1)=R(x,y(x))