北海道大学農学部昆虫学教室 | 論文
- A contribution to the knowledge of the Diaspidini of Japan (Homoptera : Coccoidea) Part 1
- A new genus for reception of three American scale insects hitherto referred to Duplachionaspis (Homoptera : Coccoidea)
- A list of Pimplinae of Saghalien and the Kuriles in the collection of the Entomological Institute, Hokkaido University (Hymenoptera : Ichneumonidae)
- On the species of Polyspincta Gravenhorst and Zatypota Förster from Japan (Heteroptera, Ichneumonidae)
- Discovery of two species of Leptobatopsis in Japan (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)
- Nomia umesaoi sp. nov., an aberrant bee from Thailand (Hymenoptera, Apoidea)
- Stingless bees collected by Prof. S. Matumura from Singapore (Hymenoptera, Apidae)
- On the male of Xylocopa ogasawarensis Matsumura (Hymenoptera, Apidae)
- Studies on the Lygaeidae 10, Descriptions of three new species of the genus Blissus Klug (Heteroptera)
- On some Sminthurid Collembolans from Hokkaido
- On the genus Evagetes of Japan (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae)
- Synonymical and other notes on Protaphidius wissmannii (Ratzeburg ) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae : Aphidiinae)
- Revision of some Cerambycidae on the basis of the types of the late Drs. Kano and Matsusita, with descriptions of three new species (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae)
- Descriptions of two new alpine moths of Archipsini from Japan (Lepidoptera : Torticidae)
- Notes on Chloropidae in the Amami Islands (1)
- Revision of the genus Ixalma Pascoe from Japan (Col., Curculionidae)
- On the tribe Lobotrachelini from Japan (Col., Curculionidae, Zygopinae)
- A new species of the genus Ropronia from Saghalien (Hymenoptera, Roproniidae)
- Four new species of Diaspidiotus and Quadraspidiotus (Homoptera, Coccoidea)
- A new species of the genus Selenomphalus Mamet from Japan (Homoptera, Coccoidea)