北日本病害虫研究会 | 論文
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- The Biological Quantitative Assay of Cucumber Mosaic Virus with Cowpea
- イネの苗いもち発病に影響を及ぼ2・3の要因
- 中国の東北地方で育成された水稲品種のいもち病抵抗性
- Occurrence of Peach Sudden Death Syndrome in Fukushima Prefecture and a Study of Causal Pathogenic Bacteria
- Systematic Control of Insect Pests on Cabbage:2. Control of the Diamondback Moth by Soil Application of Insecticides
- タイトル無し
- Nectria haematococca complexによるガーベラ株枯病(新称)の発生
- Axenic Culture of Heterodera glycines on Milk-Vetch Roots Genetically Transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes
- Effect of Cyhexatin Applied before the Successive Applications of Bordeaux Mixture to Spider Mites on Apple Trees
- Effects of Planting of Trifolium spp. and Application of Dried Cattle Feces on Population Density of Soybean Cyst Nematode, Heterodera glycines
- Races of Rice Blast Fungus isolated from Omagari, Senboku area and Sannai-Village of Akita Prefecture in 1986
- タイトル無し
- Studies on Apple Silver Leaf Caused by Stereum purpureum Persoon:IV. Symptoms and Effects on the Diseased Apple Tree
- Studies on the ecology of foxglove aphid, Acyrthosiphon solani (KALTENBACH):IV. Oviposition
- Effect of Predation by Spiders on Density of the Green Rice Leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps, in Cool Area of Japan
- ムギ類アブラムシ類の発生生態と防除-2-コムギアブラムシ類の被害解析
- タイトル無し
- Reduction of Chemosynthetic Pesticides for House Cucumber Using Near-Ultraviolet-Absorbing Polyolefin Film and Examination of Pest Control for Organic Farming