公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会 | 論文
- A Heuristic Method of Searching an Optimum Point of a Two-Dimensional Multimodal Criterion Function
- :A Study of the Decision-Making Process by Playing Cards
- 20. Specialities and Future Projects of Evaluation Methods in Educational System
- 結合入出力法と確率実現を用いた閉ループ同定の解析
- 論文特集号「ライフサイエンスの発展を支えるセンシングシステム」について
- Online Blind Signals Separation with Gaussian Mixture Models.
- Model Reference Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Degrees and with Unknown Relative Degrees not Exceeding Two.
- Nonlinear Adaptive H.INF. Control Systems for Bounded Variations of Parameters
- 双曲型分布定数系の有限次元モデル規範形適応H∞制御
- タイトル無し
- 非線形入力特性を有する双曲型分布定数系の有限次元モデル規範形適応H∞制御
- 安定逆システムによる電動機の外乱抑圧制御(短報)
- Detection of vehicles by image processing.
- Attasi型2次元システムのモデル規範形適応制御
- Adaptive Control for Non-Minimum Phase System with Time Delay by Periodic Time-Varying Feedback.
- On the Parameter Estimation of Stochastic Switched ARX Model
- Experimental Study on Space Structures Robust Control. ETS-VI on-Orbit Experiment.:ETS-VI on-Orbit Experiment
- Iterative Learning Control of Flexible Arm with One Degree of Freedom
- Modification Phenomenon of Distortion of Psychological Time Estimation in a VDT Task without Goal Setting and Real-time Feedback
- Theory to predict etching shapes in quartz crystal and its application to design devices.