公益社団法人 日本畜産学会 | 論文
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Estimation of Additive and Dominance Genetic Variances in Selected Layer Lines
- ウシにおける第1胃内への全毛虫の移動について〔英文〕
- Studies on Reticulo-Rumen Digestion:XXI. Nitrogen Metabolism of Infusolia (1) Transformation of Nitrogen Compounds by Infusoria in the Rumen Liquor
- タイトル無し
- Genetic studies on the intersex in milk goats:I. An anatomical study of intetsexual goats
- Unilateral Parotid Salivary Secretion of Calves Fed Block Feed
- The pH of Cecal Secreta in Chickens
- メチオニンサルフォキシミンの静脈内投与が低蛋白質飼料を摂取したニワトリのグルタミンおよび尿酸生成におよぼす影響〔英文〕
- Effects of Dietary Chromium Picolinate on Growth, Carcass Quality and Serum Lipids of Female Broilers
- タイトル無し
- Electrophoretic Separation of the Calcium-soluble Fraction of α-Casein.:I. Electrophoresis of α-casein Carried out in the Presence of Calcium Chloride and Characteristics of the Separated Fractions
- タイトル無し
- A Method for Estimating the Rate of Size Reduction, Passage and Fermentation of Ruminal Particles of Sheep
- Maternal Behavior and Emotional Status of Mother Rats at Different Stages of Lactation
- Effects of Lysozyme on gelation of rennin treated casein micelle
- General Composition of Japanese Deer (MCervus nippon Milk)
- Studies on the Effective Substances in Egg Yolk as a Source of Energy for Spermatozoa:II Effect of Crude Egg-phospholipids and Ovo-lecithin
- Studies on the Effective Substances in Egg Yolk as a Source of Energy for Spermatozoa:I Effect of Fractional Separation of Egg Yolk