公益社団法人 日本獣医師会 | 論文
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- A Canine Case of Mitral Insufficiency with a Relatively Acute Course
- The Application of MTT Colorimetric Assay to Measurement of Blastogenesis in Canine Peripheral Lymphocytes.
- Therapeutic treatment with kanamycin in domestic animals
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Comparison of Peripheral Leukocytes in Japanese Black and Holstein Calves.
- A Case of Swine Gastric Candidiasis.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- A Case of Acute Feline Monocytic Leukemia.
- Therapeutic effect of thiamphenicol glycinate hydrochloride on bacterial respiratory infections in bull calves of dairy breed.
- Serotypes and Drug Resistance of Salmonella Isolates from Chickens.
- Incidence of Tonsillitis due to Tonsillophilus suis Infection in Fattening Pigs and Breeding Sows.
- タイトル無し
- Ecellent Efficacy of Tamogidake Extract against a Case of Canine Pyoderma
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- Measurement of Feline Plasma Insulin Concentrations by Use of ELISA
- タイトル無し