公益社団法人 日本水産学会 | 論文
- Microbiological Studies on the Spoilage of "Semi-Dried Fishes"
- Short-Period Temperature Variations in the Coastal Summer Water Observed by a Resistance Thermometer
- Oxygen Consumption of Fresh Water Fishes
- Bacterial Decomposition of Extractive Matter of Meat of Aquatic Animals:V. Relation between the Bacterial Decomposition and the Surface Tension of the Solution of the Extractive Matter
- Bacterial Decomposition of Extractive Matter of Meat of Aquatic Animals:II. The Rates and the Velocities of the Decomposition of Extractive matter of Meat of Several Kinds of Aquatic Animals
- 平成 23 年度日本水産学会秋季大会を開催して
- 3. 土木系プログラムにおける事例紹介—東京工業大学土木・環境工学科における創造性育成のための取組
- 延繩の浸漬時間とマグロ類の漁獲との関係
- Comparative Studies on the Stomachal Plates and Crystalline Style:I. On the Enzymes of the Stomachal Plates in an Opisthobranch, Dolabella scapula
- タイトル無し
- 平成 21 年度中国・四国支部大会に参加して
- 関東支部 平成 22 年度講演会の概要
- 里海づくりにおける科学的知見の重要性
- On the Manufacture of Canned Crab from Paralithodes camtschaticus (TILESIUS)-III:The Relation between Volatile Basic Nitrogen Produced in Crab Meat during Heating and the Freshness of the Meat
- 東京湾におけるトリガイ稚貝の着底時期と成長
- Rate of Variation in the Stock of Hokkaidô Herring
- Some Notes on the Method of Alkalinity Determination
- 4. 魚類の行動と増養殖
- 里海の提唱・これまで・これから
- A New Bramid Fish Found in Japan