公益社団法人 日本気象学会 | 論文
- A Three Dimensional Wave Activity Flux Applicable to Inertio-Gravity Waves
- Development of a TRMM/TMI Algorithm for Precipitation in the Tibetan Plateau by Considering Effects of Land Surface Emissivity.
- Operational Real-Time Adjustment of Radar Rainfall Estimation over the South Korea Region
- Recurrence of Intraseasonal Cold Air Outbreak during the 2009/2010 Winter in Japan and its Ties to the Atmospheric Condition over the Barents-Kara Sea
- Erratum: Water Origins over Central and Southern Japan during the Early Summer Rainy Season as Simulated with an Isotope Circulation Model [SOLA Vol.7(2011), pp.141-144]
- Thermodynamic Impact of the Heated Landmass on the Nocturnal Evolution of a Cloud Cluster over a Meiyu-Baiu Front
- Present-Day Climate and Climate Sensitivity in the Meteorological Research Institute Coupled GCM Version 2.3 (MRI-CGCM2.3)
- Indirect Effects of Tropical Cyclones on Heavy Rainfall Events in Kyushu, Japan, during the Baiu Season
- Changes in the Interannual Surface Air Temperature Variability in the Northern Hemisphere in Response to Global Warming
- Eastward Shift of Northwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency Anomaly in Decaying El Niño
- Impact on Short-Range Precipitation Forecasts from Assimilation of Ground-Based GPS Zenith Total Delay and Rain Gauge Precipitation Observations
- Impact of Pollutant Transport on the Air Quality of Shanghai in 2007
- The Reproducibility of Surface Air Temperature over South Korea Using Dynamical Downscaling and Statistical Correction
- A Neutral Wave Observed in the Antarctic Polar Vortex
- Influence of the East Asian Winter Monsoon Variability on the Surface Cyclogenesis over the East China Sea in Late Winter
- Contribution of Tropical Cyclones to the Seasonal Change Patterns of Precipitation in the Western North Pacific: Estimation Based on JRA-25/JCDAS
- Characteristics of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Chinese Inland Plateau.
- Stratospheric Ozone Loss over Eureka in 1999/2000 Observed with ECC Ozonesondes
- Seasonal Heating Processes over the Indochina Peninsula and the Bay of Bengal Prior to the Monsoon Onset in 1998
- Evaluation of Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Deep Blue Aerosol Products Using Ground-Based Measurements over Beijing