公益社団法人 日本地震学会、地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 、特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会、日本測地学会、日本惑星科学会 | 論文
- Numerical analysis of a mechanism of electrical conductivity of substance in the middle and lower mantle
- An improvement in ABIC-minimizing deconvolution for continuously measured magnetic remanence data
- Global co-seismic displacements caused by the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (Mw 9.1)
- Long term variability in solar wind velocity and IMF intensity and the relationship between solar wind parameters & geomagnetic activity
- Triggering sequence of large aftershocks of the Mid Niigata prefecture, Japan Earthquake in 2004 by static stress changes
- Average shear-wave velocity structure of the Kamchatka peninsula from the dispersion of surface waves
- Evidence for an extended reconnection line at the dayside magnetopause
- Understanding the "SEKKI" phenomena in Japanese historical literatures based on the modern science of low-latitude aurora
- Comparisons of GPS/MET retrieved ionospheric electron density and ground based ionosonde data
- Fault geometry and slip distribution of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake as deduced from teleseismic body waves
- Modeling slip processes at the deeper part of the seismogenic zone using a constitutive law combining friction and flow laws
- Recursive travel-time inversion: A tool for real-time seismic tomography
- Rupture process of the 2005West Off Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, earthquake
- Tectonic significance of magnetic susceptibility fabrics in Plio-Quaternary mudstones of southwestern foothills, Taiwan
- Archaeomagnetic investigation of oriented pre-Columbian lime-plasters from Teotihuacan, Mesoamerica
- Probability gains expected for renewal process models
- Seasonal behavior of meteor radar winds over Wuhan
- Comment on "Time evolution of the fluid flow at the top of the core. Geomagnetic jerks" by M. Le Huy, M. Mandea, J.-L. Le Mouël, and A. Pais
- Large enhancement of the outer belt electrons during magnetic storms
- EISCAT observational results during the DELTA campaign