公益社団法人 全日本鍼灸学会 | 論文
- A Cross-sectional Sarvey of Patient Safisfacfion after Acupuncture Treatment in Japan.
- The Delta Reflex: A New Two-way Nerve Reflex Between Corresponding Points of the Ear and Body as Shown by Liquid Crystal Thermography
- Principle of Physical Autonomy
- Fundamental-Research in Acupuncture Anesthesia Needle Electrolysis Part II
- A comparative study on the changes in pain threshold resulting from "exercise" work load and acupuncture anaesthesia.
- Acupuncture Teratment for Lower Back Pain-Multi-center Randomized Controlled Trial using Spam Acupuncture as a Control.:A Multi-center Randomized Controlled Trial using Sham Acupuncture as a Control
- タイトル無し
- Experimental Study about Broken Needles
- About State in the Cervical Region on Scapulohumeral Periarthritis
- Investigation on Depths Actual Practice of Acupuncture
- Subjective-Do and Point of Kenro
- Consideration on the secret of Meridian points by the description about acupuncture depth in a classic "Zhen-jiu-jia-yi-jing".
- Study on assessment of acupuncture student's clinical competence. (1).
- :in vivo Skin Test
- タイトル無し
- A comparative study on the recovery of grasping power by cross-insertion and parallel-insertion.
- Symposium"Apoplexy and its After-Treatment":The Treatment by Acupuncture on Apoplexy
- Electrodermal Study on Scapulo-humeral Periarthritis
- A Report of the Workshop of Basic Research Group of Research Committee On Stiff Points (2)
- Clinical Usefulness of Ankle Pressure index for Acupuncture Patients with Lower Back Pain.