人間環境学研究会 | 論文
- 肢体不自由者の自動車運転時における問題点
- Effects of countermeasures on P300-based guilty knowledge test:Physical countermeasure versus mental countermeasure
- スピーチによる唾液アミラーゼの変動と達成感の関連
- Young children's eyewitness memory for a complex real-life event: Developmental change from 4- to 6-year-olds:Developmental change from 4- to 6-year-olds
- Effects of photo-presentation to reduce prejudice toward negatively-imaged foreign countries
- Research on the access to high school for Indochina refugee children of Laotian residents:A comparative study of newcomers' enrollment and learning assistance between Japan and US
- 中高齢者のライフスタイルと高次脳機能との関連性について
- The durable effect of preferred music listening for days on anxiety reduction
- 心理学研究法の新指標"再現確率ρrep"の意志決定場面での有用性―実験データ解析における有意確率pと再現確率prepの比較―:実験データ解析における有意確率pと再現確率prepの比較
- 中高年者の食習慣と認知機能に関する研究
- 記憶の意図的抑制効果を上げるための新たな手法の開発―Think/No‐Think手法をもとに―:Think/No-Think手法をもとに
- 側頭葉前部切除術が意味ネットワークに及ぼす影響 多次元尺度構成法を用いて:多次元尺度構成法を用いて
- The influence of life style of middle and elderly person on suppression of unwanted memories and it's the strategies
- Tsuda Sokichi's Ancient Japanese thought theory (focused on till the beginning of Heian era):Looking at it with the comparison of the Chinese ancient thought
- The samurai's thought in Tsuda Sokichi's study of Japan's esprit
- Anticipation skill of tennis players in the presence of faked shots:Comparison between skilled players and novices
- Nagata Tetsuzan and the Manchurian incident
- Belief in "Uyagan" in Miyako Island, Okinawa
- Letters from Hamaguchi Osachi to Inoue Junnosuke
- 車いすドライバーにおける自動車運転時の頭部位置変化と上肢筋負荷に関する研究