中部大学総合工学研究所 | 論文
- Dynamical Density Functional Theory for Dense Fluids and Glass Transitions
- XPSを用いた石炭中の窒素結合形態分析に関する研究
- XPSを用いた石炭中の窒素結合形態分析に関する研究(2)
- 講演要旨 液状化に伴う流動のメカニズムの解明
- 講演要旨 水の不思議:変幻自在の水
- Control of Poly-Si Etching in Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma
- Preparation and Characterization of Ti Doped LiNbO3 Films Grown by the Sol-gel Method
- R&D of Surface Wave Produced Plasma
- Effects of vertical earthquake movement on the dynamic characteristics of RC pier models
- Differential Retention of Acutely and Chronically Acquired Novel VOR gains under 1G Environment
- Calculated Paths of the Thermal Decomposition of Pyridine under the Presence of Nitrogen Monoxide
- 一定軸力下で曲げを受ける鉄筋コンクリート柱の破壊影響領域の検証と横補強効果に関する解析的研究
- ULF電磁波観測装置の試作
- 組み込み型イメ-ジング・プレ-トの直接読み出し装置
- Fracture and Percolation in a Solid Containing Many Initial Defects
- X線吸収補正のための結晶外形の新しい測定法
- Analysis on Mechanism of Oxidation Reaction of Calcium Sulfide
- A New Percolation Model with Two Threshold Points
- Proton exchange membrane fuel cell with multiwalled carbon nanotube based electrodes
- Epitaxial Growth of Er doped LiNbO3 Films Prepared by the Sol-gel Method