上智大学英文学科 | 論文
- Shakespeare and Catholicism
- T.S.エリオットとエズラ・パウンド--「荒地」の成立をめぐって
- "The Classic of All Europe": T.S. Eliot, Sainte-Beuve, and Virgil
- Construction, Cultivation and Cure: metaphors of language and language learning
- The Rule of Three(or Four), and Pairs
- Virtuous Hercules and the conceptual transition of "Virtuein" in the renaissance
- Murrayの名詞目的格承認と文法家意識の変化
- Beowulf for boys: modern adaptations of the Beowulf story
- Written Humour and Humour Theory
- Listening with Reading
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: versions and changes
- Understanding Potential
- The White Devilに描かれた混乱の世界
- Translating for children