上智大学アジア文化研究所 | 論文
- Study by Resonance Method of Main Structural Elements and Foundations of Monuments
- Commitment for Strategy : Religious Entrepreneur Networks in Syrian Shi'ite Religious Tourism (Case Studies for the Area Studies in a Globalizing World : Changing Sufism and Emerging Greater Sudan) -- (New Emerging Networks of Sufis and Saint Venerators i
- Prof. Ishizawa's Interview with Radio Japan,the overseas Service of NHK,the Japan Broadcasting Cooperation in Tokyo
- Clashes, Conflicts and Contradictions: The External Policies of Sufi Tariqas in Contemporary Sudan
- 陶磁の道: スリランカを中心として
- Re-formation of the Saint's Image in Contemporary Malaysia : The Impact of Maulid Events and the Role of Hadrami Sayyids (Case Studies for the Area Studies in a Globalizing World : Changing Sufism and Emerging Greater Sudan) -- (New Emerging Networks of S
- Violence against Christians in India : Mobilization of Adivasis and Dalits as the 'Un-reached' and the 'Foot-soldiers' (South Asia of the Twenty-first Century)
- Tariqah Rahmania: its roots and prospects
- タイ遺跡の地質学的考察
- Gandhi a Racist? (South Asia of the Twenty-first Century)
- アンコール王朝史を再考する アンコール王朝末期の繁栄を検証 (バンテアイ・クデイ遺跡出土の廃仏274体研究概要および出土仏像・千体仏石柱目録特集)
- アンコール王朝の財宝はどこへ行ったか
- マザーテレサの生涯に関する考察
- Promotion of international cooperation to aid cultural heritage education strategy
- The publication of vernacular Islamic textbooks and Islamization in Southeast Asia
- 遊牧民 : Minority or Vagabond? : 近代エジプトにおける国家と遊牧民
- Dialogue and Inculturation in Indian History (South Asia of the Twenty-first Century)
- An Outline of the Activities of the Sophia University International Angkor Mission(2000〜2001)
- Establishment of the Sihanouk-Aeon Angkor Sites Museum
- Panel discussion: Major Discoveries that Overturn the Popular View of the History of the Angkor Dynasty (Special Issue on the Inventory of 274 Buddhist Statues and the stone Pillar Discovered from Banteay Kdei Temple)