三重大学水産学部 | 論文
- A simple method of analysing the polymodal frequency distributions of fish egg dismeters andits application to the ovarian eggs of Japanese common mackerel
- Some effects of temperature and salinity on developing eggs of the threeline grunt, Paraplistipoma trilineatum ( Pisces : Haemulidae)
- 英虞湾内における局所海洋環境の特性 (2)
- 熊野灘沿岸における海中騒音
- 天然色素添加人工餌料投与によるアワビ真珠層の着色
- ニシキゴイの滑走細菌性あなあき病の病理組織学的研究-III : 内臓諸器官
- ブリに対する凍結餌料の投与効果
- Diel vertical migration of zooplankters and fish larvae in lake Biwa
- Growth and maturity size of the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus in rearing pool
- Effects of temperature and salinity on egg hatch of the amago salmon,Oncorthynchus masou macrostomus
- Effect of temperature and salinity on egg hatch of the rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri
- Bathynomus (Isopoda:Cirolanidae) Attacking Sharks Caughut in a Gill-net
- Effects of the toxicity of mineral oil and solvent emulsifier upon sea fishes
- Distribution of Larvae of Pinnixa rathbuni SAKAI (Decapoda : Pinnotheridae) in Ise Bay and its Neighbouring Coastal Waters,Central Japan-Ⅱ : Larval Aggregations,with Notes on their Dispersal Properties
- Studies on Marine Bacteria Producing Lytic Enzymes-Ⅵ Effect of Inorganic Salts on the Release of Lytic Enzyme from Bacterial cells
- Occurrence and distribution of nitrogen-scavenging bacteria in marine environment
- Studies on marine bacteria producing lytic enzymes - VIII : Release of lytic enzyme from bacterial cells
- Studies on marine bacteria producing lytic enzymes - X : Effect of membrane-modifying agents on the production of lytic enzyme
- 画像解析装置による魚卵測定
- 渓流域におけるアマゴOncorhynchus rhodurusの生産