一般財団法人日本海事協会 | 論文
- Trends of Recent Damage to Main Diesel Engines
- A Summary of "Guide to Protection against Corrosions of Ship's Hull and Equipment"
- Foreword
- Research and Development on Heat Resistant Wireless (communication) Tags : Interim Status Report
- Development of a Superconducting Motor for Ship Propulsion
- Statistical Survey on Wear of Ship's Structural Members
- 舶用揚貨装置の現状(技術一般)
- 舶用機器の現状と将来の問題点(技術一般)
- Practical Evaluation of Buckling Strength of Ship Plating : Examination of the buckling interaction relationships under five load components and validity of plastic correction method based on JO formula
- Harnessing the Ocean's Power : Energy from Waves and Currents (Part I)
- A Study on the Safety of Liquefied Gas Tankers : Risk Assessment of Liquefied Gas Tankers and its Application for Safe Designs and Plannings
- NKについての憶え書き(その1)
- NKについての憶え書き(その5)
- NKについての憶え書き(その7)
- On the Behavior of the Huge Off-Shore Structure in Unprotected Sea
- Fatigue Assessment Method considering the Effect of Mean Stress(Part1,Strength Assessment of Double Hull Tankers)
- Noteworthy Requirements of 1981 Amendments to SOLAS 1974 on Fire Protection, Fire Detection and Fire Extinction for Cargo Ships, and Relevant Interpretations
- Welcome to the 63rd edition of the ClassNK Magazine(Chairman's Message)