一般社団法人 日本MRS | 論文
- Refractory Organic Solute Decomposition in Water using Microwave Plasma
- Determination of hydrogen diffusivity depending on the hydride concentration in titanium-hydride by means of the diffraction-enhanced X-ray imaging method
- Characteristic Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering from a Small Number of Molecules in an Anisotropic Electromagnetic Field at Metal Nano-gap
- Heat capacity measurements of NbH alloys and an analysis of phase transition process
- Clamping of Non-180° Domain Walls in Bi-Based Ferroelectric Single Crystals
- Melting Behaviour for Gels Formed from the Solution of Chloroform and ABA Triblock Copolymer comprised of Poly (L-leucine) and Poly(ethylene glycol)
- Additive Effects of Betaines on the Fibrinogen Cryogelation Induced by Low Temperature
- Electrochemical Properties of Ti45Zr38Ni17 Quasicrystal and Amorphous Produced by Mechanical Alloying
- Development of CNT-Si3N4 Composites with High Strength and Electrical Conductivity by Adding HfO2
- Degradation of Proteins for Neural Cell Adhesion Patterning by Carbon Negative-Ion Implantation
- Cell-Adhesion Patterning by using Carbon Negative-Ion Implantation into Albumin and Avidin Layers on Polystyrene
- Graphene films synthesized by chemical vapor deposition with ethanol
- Molecular Arrangement of Organo-modified Aluminosilicate in Langmuir-Blodgett Films and Mixed Monolayer Behavior with Biodegradable Polymers
- Formation and Structure of Organized Molecular Films of Organo-modified Montmorillonite
- Influence of Film Density on Adhesions of HD-DLC Films Prepared by FAD System
- Tunneling magnetoresistance in BaTiO3/Fe3O4 composites
- Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Constant with Different Poling Fields in Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate Single crystal
- Production of Functional Carbon by Iron-Catalyzed Carbonization of Biomass - Effect of Washing with Acid Followed by Atmospheric Oxidation on the Electroconductivity of Crystallized Mesoporous Wood Carbon -
- Substrate specificities of farnesyl diphosphate synthases with respect to cyclic substrate homologs
- Drastic changes in the substrate specificity of geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius by a single amino acid substitution