一般社団法人 日本音響学会 | 論文
- Upper threshold of burst duration for continuous apparent motion. Effects of amplitude modulation and frequency band.:Effects of amplitude modulation and frequency band
- Evaluation of broad-band noise mixed with amplitude-modulated sounds.
- Representation of sound localizatin transfer function and psychoacoustical evaluation.
- Upper threshold of burst duration for continuous apparent motion of amplitude modulated broadband noise.
- A practical method of analysis for impaired speech perception using psychoacoustic proximity between Japanese monosyllables.
- ARMA modeling of a room transfer function at low frequencies.
- A study of non-linear effect on acoustic impulse response measurement.
- Effect of head rotation on horizontal and median sound localization of band-limited noise
- Design of a radiation plate for load testing of the torsional transducers.
- A study on the precedence effect using evacuation signal
- Measurement of the particle displacement in pulsed acoustic waves using optical heterodyne technique.
- On the effectiveness of dynamic cepstrum in measuring the English /r/-/l/ acoustic-perceptual dissimilarity.
- Miniaturized disk bender sound projector with dual radiation surface.
- Input impulse response of the bassoon.
- The high order equivalence relationship between two time constans of ideal and actual sound level meters based on the generalized high order fluctuation rate index.
- A method of estimating the contribution factors of a sound source, using envelopes of band-passed signals.
- ARMA model order estimation based on the SVD of the data matrix.
- Recognition of vowels in Japanese words using spectral local peaks.
- Reflection of a spherical sound wave by an infinite elastic plate.
- Noise evaluation in broadcast listening.