一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会 | 論文
- Significance of orthostatic hypotension and severe cerebral artery stenosisin patients with stroke of orthostatic occurrence.
- Time-related changes in the mortality from cerebrovascular diseases in Hisayama, Japan: Comparison with the nation-wide mortality stasistics.:Comparison with the nation-wide mortality stasistics
- Cerebrovascular Disease: Precursors and Prevention.
- Clinical significance of the existence of laterality in the diameter of the MCA on three-dimensional CT angiography.
- Cooperation of the Hokkaido Branch of the Japan Stroke Association and Departments of Emergency Medicine in Hokkaido, and the 1st PCEC/PSLS in Hokkaido/Sapporo
- MLF症候群と運動失調にて発症した中脳梗塞の1例
- Prospective study trial to increase the diagnostic accuracy of stroke among patients presenting to the emergency room with acute dizziness, vertigo and floating sensation —efficacy of "disequilibrium template"—
- Clinical features of intracerebral hemorrhage during antithrombotic therapy: retrospective multicenter observational study (Research Grant for Cardiovascular Diseases (15C-1) from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
- タイトル無し
- Cerebellar infarction : Report of a case with systemic lupus erythematosus
- 奇異性脳塞栓症に対して経皮的中隔閉鎖デバイス(AmplatzerTM)による閉鎖術後に頭痛が改善した1例
- Evaluation of the acute recovery of brain energy metabolism in ischemia-reperfusion model of mongolian gerbils.
- 破裂脳動脈瘤開頭クリッピング術後の脳塞栓について
- 左内頸動脈起始部狭窄に伴う進行性脳梗塞の症状がアルガトロバンの7日間持続点滴静注で著明に改善した1例
- わが国における「脳卒中急性期インディケーター案」の検証:ウェブ登録研究報告
- A study on the indication of stereotactic aspiration for hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage from the results of early postoperative improvement of motor function.
- Genetic Risk Factors of Stroke:Introduction
- 左総頸動脈閉塞をきたしたSLEに続発した抗リン脂質抗体症候群の1例
- 脳卒中地域医療の現状を把握するための全国アンケート調査―回復期リハビリテーション病棟の現状―
- The timecourse of antithrombin III (AT III) level in the ischemic cerebrovascular disease