一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会 | 論文
- Normalization of Circadian Profiles of Plasma Glucose in Diabetics with a Pre-Programmable Insulin Infusion System:Comparison of the Plasma Glucose Regulation with That by Conventional Subcutaneous Insulin Injection Therapy
- Effects of Imidapril Treatment on Insulin Resistance in Diabetic Patients
- Impaired Phagocytic Activity of Circulating Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
- Relationship Between Polymorphism of Muscle Glycogen Synthase Gene and Diabetic Nephropathy.
- Treatment of Diabetic Coma and Ketosis with Continuous Small-Dose Insulin Infusion
- Effect of Acute Protein Loading of Different Sources on Renal Function in Healthy Volunteers and Diabetic Patients.
- Effect of Oral Hypoglycemic Agents on Fat Distribution and Glucose Tolerance in Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Patients.
- An Elderly IDDM Patient with Asymptomatic Hypoxemia.
- タイトル無し
- A case of necrotizing fasciitis associated with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
- 劇症1型糖尿病とHLA-DRB1 genotype
- Klebsiella pneumoniaeによる肝膿瘍に脳膿瘍,敗血症性肺塞栓症の多発病巣を呈した未治療の2型糖尿病の1例
- 妊娠関連発症劇症1型糖尿病の臨床的特徴とHLA解析―劇症1型糖尿病調査研究委員会報告―:—劇症1型糖尿病調査研究委員会報告—
- Plasma free amino acid levels and their clinical significance in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
- 小児2型糖尿病に対するメトホルミン単独療法
- Metabolism of Maltose Administered to Normal Rabbits
- Studies on the natural history on non-insulin dependent diabetic(NIDDM) patients based on long-term observations. (1). Mortality and associated risk factors.:Mortality and Associated Risk Factors
- Clinical Features of DKA, HHS, and Other Types of Severe Hyperglycemia According of the Results of a Questionnaire Survey of Hospitals in Aichi Prefecture
- C-peptide secretion in human fetus and newbornes
- A Case of IDDM due to Congenital Hypoplasia of the Dorsal Pancreas with Congenital Common Bile Duct Dilatation.