一般社団法人 日本数学会 | 論文
- On the Poisson distribution
- A remark on the Kawamata rationality theorem
- A Proof of Schauder's Theorem
- Logarithmic order of free distributive lattice
- On some relations between the Martin boundary and the Feller boundary
- On certain square-integrable irreducible unitary representations of some p-adic linear groups
- on the family of connected subsets and the topology of spaces
- On two systems for arithmetic:Dedicated to Professor Y. Akizuki on his sixtieth birthday
- Potential operator of a recurrent strong Feller process in the strict sense and boundary value problem
- Determination of homotopy spheres that admit free actions of finite cyclic groups
- Factor sets in a number field and the norm residue symbol
- Integral representation of an analytic functional
- On the prolongation of local holomorphic solutions of partial differential equations, III
- On decomposable symmetric affine spaces
- On the representation of complemented modular lattices
- Boundary distance functions and q-convexity of pseudoconvex domains of general order in Kahler manifolds
- On elliptic modular surfaces
- Sur le théorème de P. Thullen et K. Stein
- A characterisation of exponential distribution semi-groups
- A formal system of first-order predicate calculus with infinitely long expressions