一般社団法人 日本数学会 | 論文
- Hasse's principle on quaternionic anti-hermitian forms
- Analytic vector functions of several complex variables
- Domaines pseudoconvexes infinis et la métrique riemannienne dans un espace projectif
- On certain characteristic subgroups of a finite group
- On congruence L-series:Dedicated to Professor Z. Suetuna on his 60th birthday
- On the Schur relations for the representations of a Frobenius algebra
- The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for V-manifolds
- On a Theorem of E. Cartan
- On the theory of reductive algebraic groups over a perfect field
- Sur la Théorie du Corps de Classes
- Bonded groups
- Isometric imbedding of Riemann manifolds in a Riemann manifold.
- On the Milnor number of a generic hyperplane section
- A condition for holomorphic maps of C2 into C2 to be algebraic
- On the signature invariants of a non-singular complex sesqui-linear form
- Remarks on the L2-cohomology of singular algebraic surfaces
- On mod odd prime Brown-Peterson cohomology groups of exceptional Lie groups
- On the P-extension of topology
- An example for the theorem of W. Browder
- Ergodicity and capacity of information channels with noise sources