一般社団法人 日本救急医学会 | 論文
- Percutaneous Transluminal Thrombotransfer Therapy for the Proximal ICA Obstruction Due to Large Emboli; Report of Two Cases.
- Eclampsia associated with cerebral vasospasm after delivery.
- Severe Metabolic Acidosis and Delirium Caused by Nalidixic Acid Overdose.
- 大動脈峡部損傷に対し大動脈ステントグラフト留置を行い,左鎖骨下動脈を閉塞させた1例
- A Method to Detect Remote Organ Injury after Intestinal Ischemia-Reperfusion in Mice.
- 腸閉塞で発症し,腹部CTが早期診断に有用であった小腸アニサキス症の6例
- Effects of Emergency Transportation. Additional Stress for the Patient?:Additional Stress for the Patient?
- A patient with femoral fracture complicated by pulmonary infarction.
- 電話救急医療相談におけるプロトコールの導入とその効果
- ワルファリン療法中の頭蓋内出血例に対する第IX因子複合体投与の効果
- 頸部仮性動脈瘤破裂により気道閉塞を来したvon Recklinghausen病の1症例
- Toxic shock syndrome toxin 1(TSST-1) and endotoxin levels in patients with severe sepsis.
- Effect of liposome encapsulated hemoglobin on hemorrhagic shock.
- :Response in the acute phase
- Hematopoietic function after brain death maintained with the combined administration of vasopressin and catecholamine.
- Factors Related to Participation in the Japan Trauma Data Bank
- Pure puffer fish poisoning with prolonged ataxia.
- Intravenous immunoglobulin administration for patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
- A fact-finding survey regarding traffic accidents. Assessment of the seat belt safety.:Assessment of the Seat Belt Safety
- Optic Canal Decompression in Traumatic Optic Nerve Injury.