一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会 | 論文
- System of Town Gas Combustion and Behavior of the Air Contained in Fuel Gases
- Energy technologies and new materials.
- Pyrolytic and Combustion Characteristics of Woody Bio-Pellets
- IR Spectra and the Aromaticities of Pyridine Extracts of Coals
- Study of fusibility of coal ash with additives - Estimation of ash fusion temperature and fusion behavior of blending coal ashes.:Estimation of Ash Fusion Temperature and Fusion Behavior of Blending Coal Ashes
- Development of direct observation aparatus of coal carbonization process by X-ray computerized tomography method.
- Charcoal for Iron Manufacture
- 木質バイオマスガス化ガスからのバイオジメチルエーテル連続合成の検討
- Hydrothermal Treatment of Cellulose as a Pretreatment for Ethanol Fermentation: Cellulose Hydrolysis Experiments
- Measurements of Gas Diffusion in Supercritical Water.
- Introductory course in "new materials related to energy utilization". (5) C/C composite materials.
- Principal fuel related facts for 1986. 7. Combustion equipment and heat engine.
- Intensification and Rationalization of AkabiraCoal Preparation Plant
- The Thermal Decomposition of Coal in Hydrogen Under Pressure
- Estimation of hydrogen donor ability for recycle solvent on coal liquefaction.
- Biodliesel Production from Soybean Oil Using Calcium Oxide as a Heterogeneous Catalyst
- A Consideration on the Pulverized Coal Gas Producer
- Podbielniak Multi-Stage Counter-current Centrifugal Solvent Extractor, Its Application in Potroleum Refining Industry and Podbielniak Precise Fractional Distillation Analysis Apparatus
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- タイトル無し