一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会 | 論文
- Study of fusibility of coal ash. II Effect of Fe2O3 addition on ash fusion behavior.:Effect of Fe2O3 Addition on Ash Fusion Behavior
- Erratum: Behavior of Inorganic Elements in Poultry Manure during Supercritical Water Gasification[Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 8709 731-736]
- Chemical Structure and Properties of Heat Treated Coal in the Early State of Carbonization (VII):High Vacuum Pyrolysis
- Life Cycle Assessment of Warm Water Supplying System Utilizing Waterworks and Power Plants in Operation.
- Evaluation of Cogeneration System Applied to Greenhouses
- Diagram of Cetane Index
- 石炭ガス化ガスを模擬した水素混合気の層流および乱流燃焼特性に及ぼす二酸化炭素希釈の影響
- Inter-Comparison of the Long-Run Coefficients between the Both Prices of LNG and Crude Oil of Japan, EU and USA
- Electricity and Atomic Power
- 民生用コージェネレーションを対象とした排熱回収発電システムの構築 ‐スクロール形状の改良によるスクロール蒸気膨張機の高出力・高性能化‐
- タイトル無し
- Study on the Fluidity of Coal
- Mass and Energy Yields of Bio-oil Obtained by Microwave-induced Pyrolysis of Oil Palm Kernel Shell
- 乾燥・造粒下水汚泥の燃焼特性‐微粉炭用燃焼試験炉を用いた検討‐
- Mechanism of Asphaltene Formation in Thermal Cracking of Athabasca bitumen.
- Pyrolysis and Gasification of Coals by Use of Rapid Heating Method (I):F ormulation of A Rate Equation for the Gasification of Coal in Steam or CO2 Atmosphere
- Rocket Propellants
- Ice making system for Bobsleigh and Luge Track of the Nagano Winter Olympic Games.
- Possibility of New Fuel BCDF (Bio-Carbonized-Densified-Fuel)-An Approach on Optimum System for Semi-Carbonized Cellulose Pellets to Increase Both Energy Density and Yield-:An Approach on Optimum System for Semi-Carbonized Cellulose Pellets to Increase Bot
- 対向流拡散火炎を用いた輝炎の局所放射特性に関する分光学的検討―2:輝炎構造と局所放射率との関係