一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会 | 論文
- Energy Balance of a Staged Process for the Supercritical Water Gasification of a Hydrogen Fermentation Residue of Food Waste
- Future Prospects of Japan Coal Mining Industry
- タイトル無し
- 燃焼装置からのNOX発生防止技術の開発に関する資料-1-アメリカにおける防止技術開発とその背景(資料)
- Effects of Particle Diameter and Number of Coordinates on Ignition of Liquid Fuel Particles Array by Propagating Laminar Flame.
- Estimation of the thermal stress in the coke layer.
- Scales and Sediments Formed during Liquefaction of Victorian Brown Coal with a 50 ton (dry coal)/day Pilot Plant.:with a 50 ton (dry coal) /day Pilot Plant
- Petrological Studies of Miike Coal(III, IV)
- New Utilization of Asphalt
- Structural Analysis of the Methylated Product of Coal(I):Solvent Fractionation of Reductive Methylation Product
- Methanation Activity of Tungsten Catalysts in the Presence of Hydrogen Sulfide at an Elevated Temperature
- ヒノキ(Chamaecyparis obtusa)酵素糖化のためのアルカリ-過酸化水素法の検討
- Single Droplet Combustion of Emulsified Hydrocarbon Fuels (II):Comparson of O/W and W/O Emulsions in Combustion Characteristics
- New Folky Mountain System for Establishing Energy Independence
- タイトル無し
- Utilization of Solar Energy:Deveropment of Solor Power Generation
- Characteristics of H2S Removal of Mixed-oxide Sorbents Containing Fe and Zn at High Temperatures.
- Petrographic Changes in Compaction Themal Treatment of Recent Plant Materials, Peat and Coals.
- 代替ジェット燃料製造のためのFT合成用バイモダル触媒の開発
- Development of a production process for coal-water-mixture.