一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会 | 論文
- Follow-up Evaluation after Microvascular Decompression of the Eighth Cranial Nerve.
- ヒト前庭神経節細胞の微細構造
- 半規管-眼反射における適応現象が耳石-眼反射に及ぼす影響
- 視運動性後眼振 (optokinetic after nystagmus, OKAN) の診断的貢献度
- Direction-Changing Positional Nystagmus Towards the Upper Ear Side in a Patient Suspected of Having Otosyphilis.
- 過長茎状突起によるめまいの1例
- Classification of Optokinetic After-Nystagmus (OKAN) and Its Topical-Diagnostic Significance in Humans.
- Postural Testing in Very Old Persons.
- 両側MLF症候群に外斜視を合併した脳幹梗塞の1例
- Caloric test using a new recording system of eye movements with CCD image-sensor Preliminary report.:Preliminary Report
- Vestibular Agnosia in a Patient with Adrenoleukodystrophy.
- 頭位性めまい症例の検討(第2報)-耳石器障害のみで説明できるか?-
- Air Caloric Test with Continuous Thermal Change in Patients with Vestibular Disorders.
- Air Caloric Test with Continuous Thermal Change.
- タイトル無し
- Monocular nystagmographic recording.
- Possibility of Detecting Unilateral Vestibular Recruitment Phenomenon with Rotation Test.
- An Attempt of Gait Analysis in Patients with Vertigo.
- Spontaneous Vertical Nystagmus; A Clinical Study.
- Epithelial linings of human semicircular canal. Scanning and transmission electron microscopic study.