ロシア・東欧学会 | 論文
- Who Did Defend Yeltsin Against Impeachment Charges in the State Duma?
- The Mechanism of the Dissolution of the Soviet Union:—Its Darker Aspects—
- ゴルバチョフの政治哲学 (ゴルバチョフ政権の解剖)
- Russian Oligarchies and their Shady Relationships with the Political Powers
- Agricultural Development Projects in USSR:A Comparison of Virgin Land and Non-chernozem Area
- On the Political Style of President Yeltsin
- East European 'Pluralism':A Challenge to Khrushchevian People's State
- "SMUTA" at the End of the 20th Century:—A Survey on the State of Affairs under Russian Capitalism—
- 中・東欧における地域格差 (特集 ロシア・東欧における社会格差・経済格差--体制転換とグローバル化の結果を探る)
- ソ連国営企業に対する政策パラメ-タ-の効果
- ハンガリーの年金制度改革--1998年以降の2つの時期に注目して
- ロシア・ソビエト外交における東西連動思考
- 初期ソビエトにおける家族消滅論と自由恋愛論〔含 質問・回答〕
- Soviet Constitutional Problem
- Economic Transitions in Central Europe seen from a Comparative Perspective
- From the Viewpoint of Generalized Nationalism
- Ideology and Religion in the USSR
- Ethnic Problems and Regional Integration in the South-West Balkan Peninsula:—With Focus on Albanians—
- 書評 Hanna Diskin, The Seeds of Triumph, Church and State in Gomulka's Poland(Central European University Press, 2001)
- 戦後ポーランドにおけるコンビナート建設と都市形成--カトリック教会と労働者