ノートルダム清心女子大学英語英米文学研究会 | 論文
- Saul Bellow: Henderson the Rain King and other stories
- Saul Bellow:"Looking for Mr.Green"--As the Paradigm of a Theme in Bellow's Novels
- ワーズワースの人生観一考察--想像力による自己の実感
- E.M.Forster作Howards End--Helenの生き方
- I.B.Singer: The Slave--Jacobの旅に見るSingerのディアスポリズム
- The Freedome of the City一考察--自由について
- スピーキング能力を伸ばすためのAuthentic Taskの開発
- Cynthia Ozick's Admiration and Imitation in "Puttermesser Paired"
- 文副詞の機能について
- The Forgetting of Words and the Effects of Re-learning
- Japanese Students' Perceptions of Classroom Activities: Preferences and Effectiveness
- 『波』について
- How do Japanese university students make complaints in their first language and second language?
- A progress report on the NDSU: virtual lecture series project
- Himiko's Inside War in Velina Hasu Houston's Tea
- E. M. Forster作A Passage to India--風と神のメッセイジ