インセクタ・マツムラナ 北海道大学農学部昆虫学教室内 | 論文
- Some Collembola newly recorded from Japan
- On two species of Carabidae from Mt. Hiko (Coleoptera) (The Carabidae-fauna of Mt. Hiko, 4)
- Notes on Chloropidae of Japan, with special reference to the species of the genus Elachiptera Macquart (Diptera, Chloropidae)
- Description of a new species of the genus Elachiptera Macquart occurring in Japan (Diptera, Chloropidae)
- On two new species of the genus Gampsocera Schiner from Japan (Diptera, Chloropidae)
- Notes on Chloropidae of Japan, with description of a new species (Diptera)
- Two new species of the genus Hariades from the North Pacific Islands (Hym., Megachilidae)
- Descriptions of a new genus and a new species of Chloropidae from Japan (Diptera)
- Two new species of Chrysididae from Japan and Korea
- Eine neue Thecodiplosis-Art (Dip., Itonididae)
- Eine neue Contarinia-Art(Dip., Itonididae)
- Eine neue Dasyneura-Art aus Hokkaido (Dip., Itonididae)
- Discovery of Orussus japonicus Tosawa in Hokkaido (Hymenoptera, Orussidae)
- Cossoninae of Marcus Island (Col., Curculinonidae)
- On the Japanese species of the genus Stenoscelis Wollaston, with description of a new species (Col., Curculionidae)
- Discovery of Eutornicus planatus Marshall in Formosa (Col., Curculionidae)
- A revision of the Japanese species of the genus Xenomimetes Wollaston, with description of a new species (Col., Curculionidae)
- On a new species of Armatocillenus and its allies in Japan (Harpalidae : Trechinae)
- A new species of Chrysopidae from Japan
- Neroptera-Planipennia from the Daisetsuzan National Park, Hokkaido, Japan