アジア系アメリカ文学研究会 | 論文
- Internment and identity shift: through transnational war memory (AALAフォーラム特集 21世紀から見る日系人収容所体験)
- Book Reviews: Hiromi Goto, The Water of Possibility; The Kappa Child; Hopeful Monsters
- Diasporic Vietnamese Memoirs and"the Vietnam Experience"
- Response to Prof. Sau-ling Cynthia Wong's Keynote Lecture (〔Asian American Literature Association〕 15th Anniversary Issue) -- (Special Feature Section: AALA 15th Anniversary Forum--Asian American Literature in a Global Frame)
- Frank ChinからChay Yewへ--アジア系男性演劇に見られる男性意識の変化 (AALAフォーラム特集 アジア系アメリカ演劇の現在(いま))
- 文献解題 Philip Kan Gotanda The Wind Cries Mary
- アジア系アメリカ演劇とマスキュリニティ (AALAフォーラム特集 アジア系アメリカ文学とマスキュリニティ)
- Three step-boogie: Sansei women and the l970s Los Angeles Asian American movement
- Book review: Brian Leung. Lost men
- Keynote Lecture: Maxine Hong Kingston in a Global Frame: Reception, Institutional Mediation, and "World Literature" (〔Asian American Literature Association〕 15th Anniversary Issue) -- (Special Feature Section: AALA 15th Anniversary Forum--Asian American L
- "Asia," Silence, and Redress: Reconfiguring Japanese Canadian Citizenship and the Intervention/Recuperation of "Asia" in Joy Kogawa's Obasan
- The Hindu Ways of Self-Transformation in Bharati Mukherjee's Jasmine
- A quest for self in Korean American drama: race, gender, and class
- 「本当の名前」を求めて--Amy TanのThe Bonesetter's Daughterにあらわれる本物と贋物
- Colonial mimicry and Japanese romances: Eatons's Miss Nume of Japan and Long's Miss Cherry-blossom of Tokyo
- Against the Vietnam War: Contemporary Diasporic Vietnamese Writers Re-Presenting Themselves
- アジア系アメリカ映画評 第16回サンフランシスコ・アジア系アメリカ映画祭に参加して
- Hawaii-Treasure Islands of Literature
- The Global/Local Past Encounters the Local/Global Future: The Japanese Local Literature in Hawaii
- 文献解題 Ha Jin In the Pond