Effect of semen characteristics on pregnancy rate following intrauterine insemination
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Objective : To assess the effects of semen characteristics on the success of intrauterineinsemination (IUI). Design : A retrospective study. Settings : The Departmentof Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tokushima University Hospital, Japan. Patients : Between2004 and 2008, 1,177 IUI cycles in 283 couples were studied. Intervention : IUI cycles werepreceded with ovarian stimulation. Main Outcome Measure : Clinical pregnancy. Result :A total of 82 clinical pregnancies were obtained (7.0% pregnancy rate per cycle, 28.9% percase). Their subsequent outcomes of pregnancies were 18 miscarriages (21.9%), 2 ectopicpregnancies (2.4%) and 60 live births (73.2%). Of the 82 clinical pregnancies, 2 were twinpregnancies (2.4%). There was no triple or higher order multiple pregnancies. At the endof the sixth cycle, 73 clinical pregnancies had been achieved (89.0%). After diagnosticlaparoscopy, the pregnancy rate per cycle for patients 35 years age was 18%, which issignificantly higher than that of patients 35 years of age. Pregnancies occurred up tothe fifth cycle after laparoscopy. The pregnancy rate (PR) per cycle was significantlyhigher in cases of sperm movement rates more than 30% (PR9.3%) and total motile spermcounts more than 10 106/ml (PR 8.2%). A study comparing the washed and unwashed casesdid not reveal any differences. Conclusion : In male sub-fertility cases of sperm parametersas motility rates 30% and motile sperm concentration 10 106/ml, IUI could be auseful option for infertility treatment J. Med. Invest. 58
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