Resin splint as a new conservative treatment for ingrown toenails
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Several conservative as well as surgical methods are used for the treatment ofingrown toenails until date. The conservative methods are either based on nail splintingor on orthonyxia, but no methods employing both principles have been reported thus far.Moreover, surgical methods usually involve postoperative pain, prolonged wound healingand restricted activities of daily living. Therefore, considering the need of a simplified,non-invasive method, in this study, we applied a novel splint to treat patients withingrown toenails and estimated the clinical efficacy as well as rate of recurrence followingtreatment. The splint is a plate made of resin that is attached to the lateral edge ofthe nail using a bandage. We studied 61 patients (19 men and 42 women ;mean age 36years), with an average application duration of 9.3 months and an average follow-up periodof 10 months in all patients. All patients experienced pain relief within a week ofsplint application and a decrease in the degree of nail deformity. Moreover, follow-uprevealed a recurrence rate of 8.2%. Therefore, we believe that this new device is an excellentconservative treatment method for patients with ingrown toenails.
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